Album Certifications

4x Platinum (sales of 4million +)

Cherise - The Other Sides Of..
Cinzia Ricci - What You've Been Waiting For
GirlSpice - Night Rider
Misery Loves Company - Two Sides To The Story

3x Platinum (sales of 3million +)

Abie Lena - Love & Heartbreak
Alicia Lena - Waking Up
Cassie Valentine - Pink Romance
Dominic Brown - F.Y.T
ElectroDeath - The Sun Will Rise
Ellie-Grace Summers - Ellie Grace
Glamazon - The Beauty of Pain
Isabel - Perfectly Me
Michelle Green - Exiled
Mudshovel - Society of Rats
Mykaylah - The Revenge
Pretty Little Freaks - Memoirs of a Freak E.P
Realm - The Sacred Chants of Death
Riot in the Boulevard - Riot in the Boulevard
Teen Titans - Rebellion

2x Platinum (sales of 2million +)

Aaron Marks - Love, Peace & Other Trending Topics
Book of Love - Church Group Social E.P
Daniel - The X Bond
Glamazon - Massacre
Hayden - Perception
Lily - All These Things That I've Done
MattY - Growth
Reported Failure - My Name Is... E.P
Stephanie Fierce - Free
Tisha Jackson - Reveal
Troy Mascenon - Shadows & Silhouettes
Troy Mascenon - The Hunter & The Haunted E.P

1x Platinum (sales of 1million + )

Infinite - Insomnia
Jason Smith - Still Waters
Jake Richards - Simplicity
Katie Coyle - Raindrops,Caffeine & Other Liquid Stimulants
KamiKaziKate - SufferKate
Lily - Supply & Demand E.P
MindGame - Greatest Hits
Quarantine - To The Surface
Reported Failure - Post-Grunge Catastrophe
Reported Failure & Friends - Reported Failure
Ryan Ross Hernandez - Let A Man Be Lost
Storm - Stronger
Surbaban Sunrise - Scream
Surbaban Sunrise - When All Else Fails... Run
Suzie - Me Against The Industry
Teen Titans - Generation

Gold (sales of 500,000 +)

ElectroDeath - Greatest Hits:Here & After
G2L - Confessions
Hannah Beth - Tough & Tender
Lily - Raw
Ryan Ross Hernandez - Running Changes
Sexy Star - Death is Beauty