Wednesday 24 August 2011

Lily Leaps Long

So this weeks mids has a battle going on with Lily trying to go back to the top with her album 'All These Things That I've Done' but is not alone in the running with Girlspice who Lily kept off the top a few weeks ago trying to claim the number 1 with 'Night Rider'.

So the battle is on for the top but also throw in new releases from Book of Love and Reported Failure & Friends and you have one fierce battle on your hands. Could the third new release from Quarantine cause an upset and steel the top spot, doubtful but it should just scrape the top 20.

Mykaylah looks to be suffering with previous high sales as she looks set to slump to the bottom end of the charts but she's in good company as Storm, G2L and Teen Titans help her fight over the lower positions.

Join us Sunday for the full Chart reveal

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