Thursday 10 November 2011

Midweeks 10th November

Suzie Against No-One

Top 5

1. Suzie - Me Against The Industry (~ 40k ahead)
2. Teen Titans - Rebellion
3. Cinzia Ricci - What You've Been Waiting For
4. Glamazon - The Beauty of Pain
5. Ellie-Grace Summers - Ellie Grace

Top 10

7. Daniel - The X Bond
10. Aaron Marks - Love, Peace & Other Trending Topics

Top 20

12. Book of Love - Church Group Social E.P
15. Troy Mascenon - The Hunter & The Haunted E.P
17. Mindgame - Greatest Hits
19. Hayden - Perception
20. Pretty Little Freaks - Memoirs of a Freak

Top 30

25. GirlSpice - Night Rider
27. Tisha Jackson - Reveal
29. Riot in the Boulevard - Riot in the boulevard
30. Cassie Valentine - Pink Romance

Top 40

32. Alicia Lena - Waking Up
36. MattY - Growth
38. Mudshovel - Society of Rats
40. Hannah Beth - Tough & Tender

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