Wednesday 30 November 2011

Midweeks 30th November

Simplicity Set To Sell

Top 5

1. Jake Richards - Simplicity
2. Aaron Marks - Peace, Love & Other Trending Topics
3. Glamazon - The Beauty of Pain
4. KamiKazeKate - SufferKate
5. Hayden - Perception

Top 10

6. Sexy Star - Death of Beauty
8. Misery Loves Company - Two Sides To The Story
10. Suzie - Me Against The Music

Top 20

11. Surbaban Sunrise - Scream
14. Ellie-Grace Summers - Ellie Grace
17. Pretty Little Freaks - Memoirs of a Freak E.P

Top 30

21. MindGame - Greatest Hits
23. GirlSpice - Night Rider
27. Alicia Lena - Waking Up
30. Jason Smith - Still Waters

Top 40

31. Storm - Stronger
33. MattY - Growth
36. Book of Love - Church Group Social E.P
40. Infinite - Insomnia

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