Wednesday 16 November 2011

Midweeks 16th November

Glamazon Stays Strong With Pain

Top 5

1. Glamazon - The Beauty of Pain
2. Cinzia Ricci - What We've Been Waiting For
3. Hayden - Perception
4. Teen Titans - Rebellion
5. Suzie - Me Against The Industry

Top 10

7. Aaron Marks - Love, Peace & Other Trending Topics
9. Jake Richards - Simplicity
10. Troy Mascenon - Shadows & Silhouettes

Top 20

13. Misery Loves Company - Two Sides To The Story
17. Michelle Green - Exiled
18. Reported Failure - My Name is... E.P

Top 30

22. Girl Spice - Night Rider
25. MattY - Growth
27. Infinite - Insomnia
30. Dominic Brown - F.Y.T

Top 40

34. Alicia Lena - Waking Up
35. Cassie Valentine - Pink Romance
37. Reported Failure & Friends - Reported Failure
39. Storm - Stronger

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